Thursday, December 18, 2014


   The silver tip of the subway became vaguely visible in the distant. The wood and metal of the old rail-way seemed infinite only an hour ago, but there is still something to be said about being at home. I slowly muscle the twin doors open. A loud screeching sound buzz-saws the eerie silence of the day. It took only a second for me to find my backpack and rip it open. The candy and jerky crashes to the floor as I empty the contents and snatch the first thing my hand bumps. As I rip the wrapper down the center, and bite into the juicy jerky, an unsettling sound echoes in the distance.
    I take another bite, hearing my jaw work the meat into a slender portion. The sound seems to be coming closer. I frantically feel around in the dark, caught completely unprepared. My arm sways back and forth feeling for something...anything that is attached to my backpack. A nasty hiss follows the horrible sounds echoing in the distance. I pray I am wrong. I pray I have more time!
