Saturday, March 26, 2011

Operation Coffee Deprivation

 The First in the Dribbles the Squirrel digital short story series is now available at
Operation Coffee Deprivation

Operation Coffee Deprivation (Dribbles The Squirrel)
This is the story of what happens to a man that gets downsized after putting 25 years of his life into a company that sends him to the scrap heap. The pain, anguish and at times euphoria of freedom from his emotional bondage are all naked and raw for us the reader. Enjoy the birth of Dribbles the Squirrel and all that he is to become. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dribbles the Squirrel Excerpt

“ short Bob, I am a jerk! I’m ugly and bald and make three times your salary. I will get a huge bonus if I fire you. I will then pay someone six dollars and hour less to do your job.I know it was you pooping in the plant holders in the lobby, (it was) so security will show you out. Oh, by the way Bob, My brand new red Porche is not scratch proof, so feel free to use your sharpest car keys to teach me a lesson!
            A large sigh squeezed its way out of his lungs. This, followed by the slow movement of his defeated body rising from the cold wooden chair was the only response he could manage. He knew Mr. Jefferson didn’t say anything remotely close to that but didn’t care. One black loafer in front of the other he walked. He walked slowly to the door feeling the dead glare of a over-rated man burrow into the back of his skull. Two sharply dressed security officers waited for him on the other side of the door. Slowly, the curvy golden handle of the office door turned.  Slam. Slam. After the third hard smash, Bob managed to get escorted down the long corridor towards the lobby. The checkered color marble seemed to taunt him as shame grew deep within. The colors seemed even more vivid than he remembered.
            Stomping past the water fountain, he spotted three corporate slackers telling the same lame jokes as always. He slowly turned towards them with a crooked smile upon his face. By now, he was sure that word had swept through the office at sub-atomic speeds. Not only that, but it managed to make it to Jupiter and back. Right now some poor schmuck of an alien is pointing his finger down to Earth and laughing at him. They all knew, he was sure of it.
    New digital short story coming soon!