Monday, August 6, 2012

                                                    Cowbob and the Teeter-Totter Gang
“Let me guess, you are one of them their bounty hunters looking to settle the score and bath in milkshake glory. Is that about the size of it pilgrim?”

With a quick flick of his wrists, both six shooters were drawn from their resting place and aimed square on Jack’s jawline.

Many ooh’s and aaw’s came murming from the crowd as they heard him speak.

“I’m not just a bounty hunter partner...I’m Cowbob.” Now give yourselves up or I’ll be forced to lay down rubber on yer lily liver.”

Cowbob dropped to the ground as a thick rubber band came flying across the room. It bounced off of the counter and disappeared in the distance. With a loud click, the first shot from his six shooter hit its mark. It bounced off of the mug, spilling the root beer directly on the man’s lap. Laughter rained upon him loud and true and in an instant, the man died of embarrassment. Retaliation came from the gang as the rifle released an extra thick band. Cowbob rolled out of the way at the last second, watching it bounce off of the warm spot his body had just occupied. Two more bands were released from his gun, both nailing the men in the knuckles. Large fat tears streamed down their faces as their gun wielding hands turned red and started to swell.

Three down, two to go! Cowbob thought as he nimbly dove over the chair. Shot after shot came towards him, never feeling the warmth of his skin. He released the band, aiming high. It came into contact with the light fixture and bounced off. Its new course drove it straight into the chest of Jack’s partner. The sheer force brought the man off of his feet and tumbling into Jack the rubber-bandit.

Still reluctant to give up, Jack stood, wobbly feet and all, and let loose a band that knocked Cowbob’s hat off of his head.

“No one shows my hat hair you dirty varmint!”

He braced his legs as he released the remaining bands at Jack. He watched it careen towards his fore-head, sure it would whelp its mark.

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